Cox to Parents: ‘Take Charge!’

Cox Communications Inc. debuted public-service announcements for its “Take Charge! Smart Choices for Your Cox Digital Home” initiative Thursday.

Launched in partnership with children's advocate and America's Most Wanted host John Walsh, Take Charge! is aimed at increasing awareness and use of the parental controls and filtering tools for TV and Internet services that are already available in most homes.

Take Charge!, which launched in August, consists of a comprehensive Web site (, a free parents' guide (including a Spanish-language version) and local educational activities within the communities the MSO serves.

"Our research indicated that most parents wanted help managing mass-media content coming into their homes," Cox CEO Jim Robbins said in a prepared statement.

Walsh added, “Many parents think they have to take extreme measures to protect their kids from media content they find inappropriate. However, our Take Charge! PSAs show parents that they can keep their family safe with a few simple, easy steps.”